Frontline Writers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2020 to provide writing education and a supportive community to those who work on the frontlines of humanity in the greater Richmond area.

Frontline Writers was founded in 2020 to provide those who serve our community — firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical technicians —  instruction in the art and craft of the narrative so that their experiences may be known and shared. A collective voice has emerged from Frontline Writers telling the important stories that reveal us on our worst days and our first responders at their toughest, quite possibly finest. They are the stories of us all, emerging from the intersection of need and service.

Join Our Spring Class

Registration for our Spring 2025 Class is open. All experience levels are welcome. This class is no cost to our first responder and public safety community. Everyone has a story. Frontline Writers can help you tell it.

Join & Give

Thank you for supporting Frontline Writers. Your gift will ensure that we continue to offer the Frontline Writers classroom community to firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical technicians at no cost. No gift is too small to support  our stories.

Special Event

Frontline Writers presents gripping and compelling personal stories from local first responders and others in the public safety community. Please join us for a powerful evening of storytelling written by first responders and presented by seasoned, professional actors.

“When I heard about Frontline Writers, I hoped I’d found a way to release some of the experiences I’ve had and held onto as an EMS technician. EMS workers see an incredible range of patients, from ludicrous reasons to the cries of parents who’ve discovered their infant is lifeless. We hold onto these things more than we should, and it affects our own lives. You want to share how these events made you feel, how they’ve even changed the way you think. You worry about rejection, that sharing these calls with others will cause them to push you away. Sharing these things as a story decreases that fear.

From the beginning, David explained that this would be a creative writing class. He would not critic the content or emotions presented, only techniques and effectiveness. We unpacked humor, trauma, and self-doubt. I found what I wanted, a release, and felt better for it. I wholeheartedly endorse this class for those who want to know themselves better and effectively share their experiences with others.”

“I have found that the opportunity to shape a story, commit to writing, talk with other writers, constructively analyze your work, and receive praise for a job well done has inspired me to continue writing. It has been a pleasure to work with other first responders who enjoyed sharing their stories and in turn strengthen their creative writing skills. Working with a writing professional like David Robbins has shown me how much we can benefit from this experience.”